All Services and Activities here at ECC cancelled through Sunday, May 31st due to Covid-19
The newly appointed Coronavirus task force at ECC along with our elder board, are closing services and mid-week activities effective immediately and going through May 31st (updated as of May 15th) at the urging of the MN Department of Health and local agencies.
We have an opportunity to help slow the spread of COVID-19 for sake of our fellowship AND the community around us and we want to honor the mandate of our governing authorities and in this way be a good civic-minded neighbor, especially for those most vulnerable. Please help by living out the sanitary and the social distancing recommendations that have been suggested wherever you go. We take action out of faith not fear!
We urge most of all we use this time for a gospel purpose. So please pray for our community faithfully in this season of uncertainty and vulnerability. Use a season given to us just prior to Easter to prepare your heart through increasing personal devotional time alone! What an opportunity we have there! Many look for margins and God is affording us as season of time so let’s not pass it by.
Also, we are a people of hope and faith who have much to share in a season of uncertainty and fear. Many will be experiencing loss of various kinds and we urge you to engage in conversations AND tangible services and loving actions that reflect the love of Jesus and the hope that is within us. Through out time when national tragedy hits, the Church of Christ has been at its best. May the year 2020 be a year where we do SERVICE (Romans 12:1 style) in a whole new way!! Though we suspend corporate service for a short time I give a call for service of a whole new kind! Be creative.
Lastly, we have hope and assurance in Christ Jesus which is sure and true. Let us share in speech and conversation about the reasons for the hope within us. Say the words and point to Jesus as we travel this strange and difficult season.
I am confident that our God can use this moment for His Glory as we His people follow the Spirit in the midst of this!
In His Grip, Pastor Kevin, ECC Elders, Dr. Dave Swanson & Dr. Tim Swanson
Romans 12:1 (NASB) Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Our God is bigger than the Coronavirus!
The newly appointed Coronavirus task force at ECC along with our elder board, are closing services and mid-week activities effective immediately and going through May 31st (updated as of May 15th) at the urging of the MN Department of Health and local agencies.
We have an opportunity to help slow the spread of COVID-19 for sake of our fellowship AND the community around us and we want to honor the mandate of our governing authorities and in this way be a good civic-minded neighbor, especially for those most vulnerable. Please help by living out the sanitary and the social distancing recommendations that have been suggested wherever you go. We take action out of faith not fear!
We urge most of all we use this time for a gospel purpose. So please pray for our community faithfully in this season of uncertainty and vulnerability. Use a season given to us just prior to Easter to prepare your heart through increasing personal devotional time alone! What an opportunity we have there! Many look for margins and God is affording us as season of time so let’s not pass it by.
Also, we are a people of hope and faith who have much to share in a season of uncertainty and fear. Many will be experiencing loss of various kinds and we urge you to engage in conversations AND tangible services and loving actions that reflect the love of Jesus and the hope that is within us. Through out time when national tragedy hits, the Church of Christ has been at its best. May the year 2020 be a year where we do SERVICE (Romans 12:1 style) in a whole new way!! Though we suspend corporate service for a short time I give a call for service of a whole new kind! Be creative.
Lastly, we have hope and assurance in Christ Jesus which is sure and true. Let us share in speech and conversation about the reasons for the hope within us. Say the words and point to Jesus as we travel this strange and difficult season.
I am confident that our God can use this moment for His Glory as we His people follow the Spirit in the midst of this!
In His Grip, Pastor Kevin, ECC Elders, Dr. Dave Swanson & Dr. Tim Swanson
Romans 12:1 (NASB) Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Our God is bigger than the Coronavirus!