Online Giving
Please click the button below to be directed to our secure giving page where you can make a
one-time donation or set up recurring donations. At this time we are only accepting ACH bank transfers (eChecks). The church incurs a 1% + $.25 fee/transaction to process online donations so please consider increasing your gift to help the church cover the cost of providing this convenient method of giving. You can check a box to select to cover this fee when you process your online gift. (For example, a $100 gift would incur a fee of $1.25) You will receive an email confirmation after your donation has processed. See file below for online giving instructions. Thank you!
Other Ways to Give
Mail a donation to us at our mailing address (different from our church's physical address): Evangelical Covenant Church P. O. Box 247 New London, MN 56273 Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope so that we can provide you with a giving statement for tax purposes. |
Our offering will be taken as a retiring offering at the end of our worship service until further notice. Please place offerings in the black boxes provided by the South Entrance and in the Center of the Lobby on your way out. Thank you. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope so that we can provide you with a giving statement for tax purposes. You may also drop off your donation to the church office during regular office hours. |
If you have any issues or questions related to giving, please contact Steph Finsaas, our Financial Secretary, at 320-354-2446 or via email at [email protected].