Youth Ministry at NLECC
Wednesday Night Youth Group meets during the school year:
Jr High (6-8th grade) from 6:00-7:15pm Sr High (9-12th grade) from 6:45-8:30pm Jr High will start youth group lesson time in the junior high youth room which is located directly below the back half of the fellowship hall. Jr High students will move to the Sr High room for a combined game time at 6:45 pm. Sr High will meet in the high school youth room (the big youth space with the pool table, projector, and stage). Jr High, 6-8th grade (2023-2024 School Year) Schedule 5:30 Meal in Fellowship Hall 6:00 JH Lesson Time (in Jr High room) 6:15 Small Groups (in Jr High room) 6:45 Game Time (in Sr High room) 7:15 Dismissal Sr High, 9-12th grade (2023-2024 School Year) Schedule 5:30 Meal in Fellowship Hall 6:00 Chill time (in Senior High room in basement) 6:45 Game Time 7:30 HS Lesson Time 8:00 HS Discussion Time 8:30 Dismissal Upcoming EventsUNITE East
July 15-19, 2024 Bowling Green State University, OH Our church is part of the Northwest Conference (NWC) and the NWC is heading to Unite East this coming July! This Covenant High School conference will be an incredible week of dynamic worship, impactful speakers, and fun! Don't miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary experience. We have about 11 students signed up plus leaders. Contact Pastor Matt for more information. For registration and other info, check out Mark your calendars for MUUUCE 2024!
MUUUCE isn't just another event—it's an epic, transformative three days for middle schoolers. From captivating speakers to crazy fun and everything in between, MUUUCE promises three days of excitement and spiritual growth. MUUUCE 2024 is August 8-10 at Buffalo Covenant Church. More info will be coming soon and will be shared once available. Contact Pastor Matt for more information. Past EventsUNITE North was an exciting, immersive experience for high school students from all over the Northwest Conference, Canada, and beyond and was held at Bethel University in Arden Hills on July 14-17, 2022. These four days were packed with evening sessions with dynamic speakers and worship; experiential learning experiences on and off-campus that stretched students & their faith; tournaments and events for athletes and non-athletes; small group discussion and personal reflection; amazing meals prepped by professional chefs and bakers at the Bethel cafeteria and so much more!
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Past Mission TripsJuly 2023 Ecuador Mission TripWe are so thankful to God for getting our group of 13 to Ecuador and back safely and for an amazing experience throughout. We saw God’s provision especially through out travels to and from Mejia. One of my favorite aspects of trips like these are that they push students outside of their comfort zones and create situations where they need to actually rely on God. It is a blessing to be able to lead trips like this and to watch God show up and do things we never thought possible. It was an invaluable trip that we’re trusting God will use to plant seeds of passion for mission work and for the beautiful diversity of God’s Kingdom. ~ Pastor Matt Christiansen
Youth Mission Trip, July 12-21, 2019
We brought 15 students safely out to the Blackfeet Nation in Montana and back in July. It was an exhausting 10 days and we returned emptied of energy but filled with a passion for God's work that we're excited to bring back to our local community. God was at work in the hearts of each of our students and it was a great experience! We were stretched outside of our comfort zones but saw some tremendous growth in the group. We also got to experience the great vastness of our God through the mountains and scenery. A couple highlights from the trip were our day in Glacier National Park and the Big Daddy Weave concert. |