What to Expect for On-Site Services at Evangelical Covenant Church of NL (updated 5/16/21)
Our commitment to our church family is safely gather for worship and fellowship. We long to protect the most vulnerable, giving them good reason to worship with us as soon as possible, while protecting one another’s preference serving one another as done unto the Lord!
Our ECC ‘Covid-19’ Task Force (made up of some of our own doctors and nurses) have advised us this past year with sound advice informed by science and reality. Here are their recommendations:
Starting May 16th, we are again making a change with our Covid-19 procedures and plans. With the exception of our Fellowship Hall (as highlighted below), the church building and grounds are now mask optional. Going forward, we continue to invite our most cautious and vulnerable to come to the fellowship hall (the Northern most side of our building) for Sunday AM worship in the most Covid cautious environment. The fellowship hall will continue to offer the live feed on the big screen and amplified audio. Tables will be cleaned between Sunday School and 10:30AM worship as has been the case currently. The tables make for a natural great social distancing tool. Sit one family group per table. Masks are absolutely required in the Fellowship Hall space. Hand sanitizers are available as always. People can choose to enter the back parking lot and the West basement entrance accessing the back stairs or elevator to get to the fellowship hall. This option avoids the lobby exposures for coming and going. This will continue to be our ‘Covid Safe Zone’ until further notice. Come worship in community in this Covid-19 Cautious Zone designed to provide public worship along with a responsible fellowship setting that is much more predictable for the most cautious and vulnerable of our fellowship. We want you here as soon as you can feel safe and protected!! We miss you being here, and we want to keep working to make that a reality as soon as possible!
Thank you for understanding that we are in a predicament where we cannot please everyone, but we are called to protect all as we seek to re-gather the church of Christ and our whole congregation.
Pastor Kevin, Elders and Church Council
Our commitment to our church family is safely gather for worship and fellowship. We long to protect the most vulnerable, giving them good reason to worship with us as soon as possible, while protecting one another’s preference serving one another as done unto the Lord!
Our ECC ‘Covid-19’ Task Force (made up of some of our own doctors and nurses) have advised us this past year with sound advice informed by science and reality. Here are their recommendations:
- PLEASE STAY HOME and worship online if you are ill, especially with symptoms of Covid-19. These symptoms primarily include fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include chills, chest discomfort, body aches, new onset of headaches, or new onset of loss of taste or smell.
- PLEASE STAY HOME and worship online if you or a member of your household has been diagnosed with Covid-19 within the past 14 days or have been in close contact with someone ill with Covid-19 within the past 14 days.
Starting May 16th, we are again making a change with our Covid-19 procedures and plans. With the exception of our Fellowship Hall (as highlighted below), the church building and grounds are now mask optional. Going forward, we continue to invite our most cautious and vulnerable to come to the fellowship hall (the Northern most side of our building) for Sunday AM worship in the most Covid cautious environment. The fellowship hall will continue to offer the live feed on the big screen and amplified audio. Tables will be cleaned between Sunday School and 10:30AM worship as has been the case currently. The tables make for a natural great social distancing tool. Sit one family group per table. Masks are absolutely required in the Fellowship Hall space. Hand sanitizers are available as always. People can choose to enter the back parking lot and the West basement entrance accessing the back stairs or elevator to get to the fellowship hall. This option avoids the lobby exposures for coming and going. This will continue to be our ‘Covid Safe Zone’ until further notice. Come worship in community in this Covid-19 Cautious Zone designed to provide public worship along with a responsible fellowship setting that is much more predictable for the most cautious and vulnerable of our fellowship. We want you here as soon as you can feel safe and protected!! We miss you being here, and we want to keep working to make that a reality as soon as possible!
Thank you for understanding that we are in a predicament where we cannot please everyone, but we are called to protect all as we seek to re-gather the church of Christ and our whole congregation.
Pastor Kevin, Elders and Church Council